Issue with PrimeNG DataTable contextMenu alignment inside TabView

I encountered an issue with displaying a DataTable - contextMenu when it is placed within a TabView. The contextMenu was appearing off-center. However, the DataTable - contextMenu worked perfectly fine when it was not wrapped in a TabView.

To address this problem, I submitted an problem report on the PrimeNG GitHub page here

Attached below is a screenshot of the issue:

Answer №1

Encountering a similar issue, I found a solution by including appendTo="body" in the context menu component like this:

<p-contextMenu #cxtMenu [model]="ctxtMenuItems" appendTo="body" ></p-contextMenu>

Answer №2

Simply add the attribute "appendTo='body'" to the context menu component in order to resolve the issue.

Answer №3

Solution Found

After some investigation, I managed to fix the problem by changing the position of the ui-tabview element.

.ui-tabview {
    position: initial;

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