Center text in the v-text-field label

Greetings! I've attempted various methods to center the label in my v-text-field, but unfortunately none of them have been successful. Please see the code snippet below:


<v-text-field dark class="centered-input" label="your code"></v-text-field>

CSS Code

.centered-input >>>  label {
        color: white;
        text-align: center;

Is there a way to align the label properly using Vuetify?

Answer №1

Indeed, the text-align: center property is working perfectly. The text appears nicely centered within this box:

Upon closer examination, it's evident that the label is absolutely positioned within its parent element. To achieve horizontal centering relative to its parent, you'll have to override the left and transform values. Check out the SCSS code snippet below for the necessary adjustments:

.v-text-field.centered-input .v-label {
  left: 50% !important;
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  &.v-label--active {
    transform: translateY(-18px) scale(.75) translateX(-50%);

You can view the effect in action by visiting this link:

Please note: the use of !important is unfortunately required since the left value is directly applied inline to the element via JavaScript. A quirky feature of Vuetify indeed!

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