How can the parent div be made transparent without affecting the child div's visibility?

When applying opacity to a parent div, I noticed that it also affects the child div. My intention is to only apply opacity to the parent div.

I have set up separate divs for this purpose.

 <div id="container" style={{backgroundImage:"url('/images/world-map-dotted.png')",padding:'50px',height:'800px',width:'100%',textAlign: 'center',opacity:'0.8'}}>
        <div id="box" style={{height:'100%',width:'100%'}}>
          <div style={{backgroundImage:"url('/images/bg_login.png')",padding:'200px'}}>
            <h1 style={{fontSize: '30px'}}>Our Website Under Maintenance</h1>
            <p style={{fontSize:'16px'}}><b>Apologies for any inconvenience caused by our ongoing maintenance work.
              <p style={{fontSize:'16px'}}><b>For assistance, please reach out to <a></a></b></p></b>

In my design, I anticipate that only the image within the parent div will adjust its opacity without affecting the child elements.

Answer №1

If you want to adjust the transparency of a background image, one way to do it is by using a pseudo element in CSS to control the opacity. By changing the opacity of the pseudo element, you can also affect the opacity of its parent and children elements. Check out this example shared by Chris Coyier for more information:

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