Creating a banner image that scrolls while maintaining a fixed size

I'm looking to add a banner image with a scrolling effect as users navigate down the page, but I'm not sure what this technique is called.

An example of what I'm trying to achieve can be seen on this site.

As the user scrolls down, the rest of the image moves along with it. Can anyone tell me what this is called and how I can implement it?

I am working with Twitter Bootstrap and Ruby on Rails, so I'd like the easiest way to incorporate this effect that is also compatible with Bootstrap. However, any suggestions are welcome!

Answer №1

To achieve a fixed background effect, you can use the CSS property background-attachment:fixed;. You can find more information about this on MDN.

This technique is also demonstrated in the example provided below:

    background-image: url(;
    margin:200px 0;

     background-image: url(;
<div class="s"></div>
<div class="s"></div>
<div class="s"></div>

Answer №2

To make an element fixed on a webpage, you can use the CSS property position:fixed; and adjust its positioning using top:x; and left/right:x;. Here's an example:

#header {
    position: fixed;
    top: 150px;
    right: 0;

Answer №3

The functionality referred to as "sticky navigation" has multiple jQuery plugins available for implementation, such as this particular one

Additionally, exploring the use of CSS property position: fixed;

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