Tips for adding an element based on a CSS attribute's value

Is there a way to dynamically adjust the CSS for an element with opacity less than 0? How can I conditionally hide this element if that scenario occurs?

if ($('#rounded_items li').css("opacity") < "0"){

Answer №1

Here's an alternative solution that may not be as elegant as Robin's:

<div class="invisible">Invisible Element</div>
<div class="visible">Visible Element</div>

.invisible { visibility:hidden; }
.visible { visibility:visible; }

$("div").each(function() {

    if($(this).css("visibility") === "hidden") {


Answer №2

 let currentOpacity = Number($('#rounded_items li').css("opacity"));

 someElement.css('display', currentOpacity < 0 ? 'none' : 'block');

Reminder: Opacity values are always between 0 and 1, never less than 0!

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