Looking for a way to limit the number of characters allowed per line in a textarea using jQuery

I have the following HTML textarea:

<textarea name="splitRepComments" cols="20" rows="3" ></textarea>

I have implemented a maxlength restriction using jQuery with the following function:

var max = 100;
$('#splitRepComments').bind("keypress", function(e) {

    if (e.which < 0x20) {
        // e.which < 0x20, then it's not a printable character
        // e.which === 0 - Not a character
        return; // Do nothing
    if (this.value.length == max) {
    } else if (this.value.length > max) {
        // Maximum exceeded
        this.value = this.value.substring(0, max);

$('#splitRepComments').bind("paste", function(e) {

    setTimeout(function() {

        var e = jQuery.Event("keypress");
        e.which = 50; // # Some key code value
    }, 100);


My challenge is that I need users to enter only 10 characters in each row (line) and then move to the next line.

This function should also adhere to the maxlength restriction of the textarea.

I have attempted a solution from SO, but it does not move input to the next line.

You can view my JSFiddle example for reference.

Answer №1

Check out this code snippet:

    const maxLength = 100;
    const charactersPerLine = 10;

    $("textarea[name='splitRepComments']").bind("keypress", function(e) {

        if (e.which < 0x20) {
            // Ignore non-printable characters
        let length = this.value.length - ((this.value.match(/\n/g)||[]).length);
        if (length === maxLength) {
        } else if (length > maxLength) {
            // Truncate the input if it exceeds the limit
            this.value = this.value.substring(0, maxLength);
        if (length % charactersPerLine == 0 && length !== 0 && length < maxLength) {
            $(this).val($(this).val() + '\n');


Answer №2

Provided below is a plain JavaScript solution with comments for each statement:

var adjustTextAreaSize = function adjustTextAreaSize(fieldId, cols, rows){ 
    // Retrieve textarea text value 
    var value = document.getElementById(fieldId).value; 
    // Save current cursor position (useful for mid-text typing) 
    var currentPosition = document.getElementById(fieldId).selectionStart; 
    // Array to store separate text lines 
    var lines = []; 
    // Remove newline characters and limit the text based on number of rows 
    value = value.split("\n").join(""); 
      value = value.substr(0, cols * rows); 
    // Check if text length exceeds specified columns 
    if(value.length > cols){ 
      // Divide the text into lines based on column length 
      for(var i = 0; i < value.length; i += cols){ 
        lines.push(value.substr(i, cols)); 
      // Reconstruct the text by joining the lines 
      document.getElementById(fieldId).value = lines.join("\n"); 
      // Reset cursor position to original location 
      document.getElementById(fieldId).selectionStart = document.getElementById(fieldId).selectionEnd = currentPosition; 
    // Handle scenarios where text length is less than or equal to max characters per line 
    else if(value.length < cols){ 
      // No action needed 
      // Move to next line 
      document.getElementById(fieldId).value += "\n"; 

Usage : Include directly in HTML using input event (e.g., 35 characters per line maximum for 6 lines)

<textarea id="myTextArea" cols="70" rows="20" style="resize: none" oninput="adjustTextAreaSize(this.id, 35, 6);"></textarea> 

Note: It's advisable to test this solution with caution when resizing the textarea.

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