The Vertical Spacing Between Dividers and Proper Size of Sub-Dividers to Accommodate Content on the Page

First and foremost, a huge thank you to everyone who has assisted me in resolving numerous issues related to my basic layout and syntax. I believe I have successfully cleaned up my syntax, and my CSS and HTML development are progressing smoothly.

Now, let's address the current challenges I am facing:

  1. I'm currently dealing with spacing between the top navigation area and the image in the following div. This spacing only appears at certain zoom levels, and I need to ensure it never shows up. I've tried removing white space, eliminating borders/padding from classes, but haven't attempted negative margins on the bottom of Nav divs yet. I really want to resolve this issue without resorting to 'hacking' it with negative margins.

    BONUS: Why can't I achieve an actual 100% width for the topImage class (which contains the .png file under the nav)? Despite several tweaks, I keep encountering padding on the sides. While not a critical problem, I prefer it to be 100% width so that it seamlessly integrates with other top elements and presents a cleaner look when connecting to .bodySection2 and .section divs featuring orange boxes.

  2. This one is quite bothersome. The class, .section, representing the orange blocks on the page is identical programmatically. I meticulously adjusted widths and spacing to center them perfectly within the .bodySection2 div, which I'm content with. However, as depicted in the screenshot below, each box varies in size, even though they're assigned the same Height % in the CSS. Even after setting Height: XX% and ensuring all parent heights are defined in percentage, there's no apparent impact. Any guidance on how to standardize the box sizes irrespective of their content would be greatly appreciated.

View the Fiddle here: Fiddle Here

Furthermore, any suggestions, advice, thoughts, comments on the layout, color scheme, navigation elements, or any other aspects are warmly welcomed! I'm currently in the process of rebranding my company, and naturally, the website plays a crucial role in promoting my brand.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


body {

 } /*closes @ mediaedia screen and (min-width:30em */

Answer №1

It seems that User's Dorvalla and user112344 were on the right track with their suggestions. The issue of the black space at the top of .bodySection was resolved by realizing that padding-top: 5% (from .bodySection) and height: 10% (from .navLogo) are handled differently due to viewport units. The percentage values in CSS calculations depend on the width of the element, as outlined in the box-model spec.

The percentage is calculated based on the width of the containing block. This also applies to 'margin-top' and 'margin-bottom'. If the element's width affects the containing block, the layout result may be undefined in CSS 2.1.

To address this issue effectively, utilizing viewport units along with removing padding-left: 1% and padding-right: 1% from .bodySection will perfectly resolve the alignment of .topImage. Additionally, using flexbox properties like display: flex and justify-content: space-around in .bodySection2 can help achieve consistent section heights. Don't forget to include prefixes for compatibility purposes.

The excess code in your CSS not having any impact has been removed for optimization purposes. It's advisable to avoid inline styling where possible. Semantic adjustments such as converting divs to header, nav, and figure elements can add more meaning to your HTML structure without altering the appearance.

An interesting suggestion would be to eliminate .bodySection and .bodySection2 by incorporating a main tag instead. By wrapping .topImage and .section elements within main and adjusting the CSS accordingly, you can streamline your code while enhancing semantic clarity.

These modifications are optional but could improve the cleanliness and semantic value of your codebase.

Answer №2

To prevent unwanted spaces, it's a good idea to include a CSS reset at the start of your style sheet. Here's an example:

html, body, div, img, p, ul, li, span { margin: 0; padding: 0 }

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