Aligning elements of unknown width within a container of a specified width

Currently struggling to find a resolution to the following issue:

Trying to create a navigation bar using a ul element set to a specific width of 530px with multiple li items nested inside.

The goal is to have the li items evenly fill the 530px width with equal spaces between them. However, it's tricky to hard-code this since the width of each li is unknown.

Answer №1

If you're looking for a modern solution, I suggest using Flexbox. While the spec is relatively new, incorporating a polyfill or vendor prefixes can provide necessary support across various browsers.

For a helpful guide on implementing a simple Flexbox-based horizontal navigation, check out this tutorial.

Although browser support for Flexbox may not be universal yet, there are numerous polyfills and strategies available to ensure consistent performance. Additional information on these resources can be found here. A valuable resource mentioned in that discussion is Chris Coyier's article on Using Flexbox.

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