Navigating through a Single Page Application (SPA) can be achieved without

Can the CSS (Level 4) @document rule handle URLs that have the # symbol or include query parameters?

For those who are not familiar with this topic

Currently, only Firefox supports this feature with the @-moz-document prefix. If other browsers start supporting it, this could potentially enable CSS-only SPA routing, even without JavaScript. I plan to experiment with this over the weekend if anyone else hasn't already.

Here is an example:

@document url("") {
    .page-2 {
        display: none;

@document url("") {
    .page-1 {
        display: none;

I believe a build tool could be developed for CSS fallbacks in React / Gatsby or other static sites to improve user experience when routing isn't available, even with a <noscript> fallback option.

Answer №1

After testing this out, it's clear that the issue lies in the fact that @document does not update when the URL changes, unlike how @media continuously checks for screen size changes. If this feature gets added to the spec, I hope there will be a chance for this behavior to improve.

The @document function does detect the # and ? in the URL, but currently requires a refresh to see any effects take place.

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