The red error text below the input becomes less visible when the input is focused on Windows, creating

My issue involves a basic input field and error validation message, both set against a dark background. The problem arises when the error text is displayed and I click on the input field - the error text suddenly loses contrast and appears "thinner." What's puzzling is that no styles are being altered in the Web Inspector.

This strange bug seems to only affect Windows users, as macOS doesn't exhibit this behavior. Testing on Windows 11 and Chrome 126 further confirmed this issue.

To replicate the problem, simply insert the following code into an HTML file and open it on a Windows machine. Click on the input field and observe the anomalous change in the error text's appearance:

<div style="background: black">
  <input type="text" />
  <p style="color: red">some text</p>

Here's a Stackblitz link with a demo for reference.

The main question remains - how can I ensure consistent styles so that the error text doesn't change upon input focus?

Answer №1

The reason for this behavior is that the outline property is applied to the <input> element when it is focused. If you prefer, you can replace the outline with something else, such as box-shadow. Another option is to enhance browser performance by using the will-change property:

input {
  will-change: opacity;
<div style="background: black">
  <input type="text">
  <p style="color: red;">some text</p>

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