Maintain scrolling at the bottom with React.js

Is there a way to make a div element increase in height through an animation without extending beyond the viewable area, causing the window to automatically scroll down as the div expands? I am looking for a solution that will keep the scroll position locked at the bottom of the page.

Note: This question pertains to React.

I have already searched countless times on Google and Stack Overflow for answers, but none of them seem to work or provide the specific guidance needed.

Check out the code here: To run the code, use the command: npm install && npm start

Answer №1

Your task is in React, where you can utilize JavaScript to ensure that your div remains scrolled to the bottom constantly.

class FullMenu extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      class: "",
      div: ""
    this.scrollToBottom = this.scrollToBottom.bind(this);
  componentDidMount() {
    setInterval(this.scrollToBottom, 20);
  scrollToBottom() {
    var scrollingElement = (document.scrollingElement || document.body); /* provide your scrolling element with react ref */
    scrollingElement.scrollTop = scrollingElement.scrollHeight;
  render() {
    return (
      <div id="FullMenu">
        <div id="triangleDiv">
            onClick={() => {
              this.setState({ class: "bounce" })
              let that = this
              setTimeout(function() {
                  class: "",
                  div: <div className="menuDiv" />
              }, 1000)

If you only want the window to scroll during animation, consider using react's CSSTransitionGroup and implementing clearInterval in the transitionEnd lifecycle hook to stop this behavior.

Answer №2

To achieve this effect using only CSS, you simply need to apply the following styling to the div:

display: flex;
flex-direction: column-reverse;

By doing so, the content within the div will be flipped and positioned at the bottom of the scroll.

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