Modifying the color of the error icon in Quasar's q-input component: a step-by-step guide

Is it possible to modify the color of the '!' icon?

Answer №1

If you want to change the color of the error icon specifically for a q-input in Quasar, you can make use of Quasar's pre-defined CSS classes and styles that allow you to customize how elements look. Here is a recommended approach:

Quasar comes with CSS classes that give you the freedom to style various parts of its components, including icons. To alter the color of the error icon on a q-input, you can overwrite the default error icon color using CSS. In case the default CSS class is not working as expected, try employing more precise CSS selectors to ensure your color changes take effect.

   q-input.custom-error-icon .q-field__error-icon {
  color: #ff0000; /* Modify this code to match your desired error hue */

Answer №2

To customize the color scheme and styles of your quasar theme, you can update the variables in quasar.variables.scss located in the src/css folder. If you want to adjust the error color, simply override the $negative sass variable in the variable file. By default, the negative color is red.

For more details, visit:

If you only wish to change the icon color without affecting other negative colors, you can utilize custom CSS in app.scss as shown below:

.q-input.custom-error-icon .q-field__error-icon {
  color: #ddd

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