Unable to insert image into div element

Having trouble aligning profile images next to names instead of below the text within the div. Can't seem to figure out how to fix this issue.

Just to clarify, I want the images to appear alongside the text on the page (the white image next to 'main', the wolf image next to 'joe', and kenny image next to 'kenny').

UPDATE: Finally found a simple solution. Requesting deletion!

Answer №1

I believe this solution could be beneficial for you:

<div style="display:inline-block;float:left;">
   <img alt="" src="" width="50" />                     
    insert your text here

If you prefer to have the text centered, place it within a <Div> element like shown below:

<div style="display:inline-block;float:left;">
   <img alt="" src="" width="50"/>
   insert your text here

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