The positioning attribute and flexible height in CSS are essential for creating dynamic

My goal is to create a layout with 3 DIVs inside a container, similar to table rows.

top {height = 100px} / middle {height = dynamic} / bottom {height = 100px}

I am trying to figure out the best approach to make the height of the middle div dynamic while maintaining the correct structure.


<div id="notification">
<div id="n-top">
<div id="n-middle">
    middle<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />middle
<div id="n-bottom">


#notification {
    background: yellow;

#n-top {
    background: blue;

#n-middle {
    background: red;

#n-bottom {
    background: green;

Answer №1

I found a solution that worked perfectly in my case.

#notification {
    background: yellow;

#n-top {
    background: blue;

#n-middle {
    background: red;

#n-bottom {
    background: green;

Keep in mind that using absolute positioning removes the element from the normal flow of the page. By changing the absolute positioning to relative, the elements are now able to maintain their position on the page instead of being displaced. This adjustment allowed the elements to be correctly placed one after the other.

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you.

Answer №2

To create space at the top and bottom of your middle section, simply apply margin to those areas. Surround your middle section with a wrapper that has position:relative, and place the top and bottom sections within the wrapper. Set the top and bottom sections to position:absolute and ensure their height matches the margin you set.

Answer №3

If you have fixed heights for the top and bottom <div>s, one solution is to set the middle <div> to position 0,0 with a height of 100%. Add a top margin to match the height of the top <div> and a bottom margin to match the height of the bottom <div>.

Answer №4

It appears to me that removing the positioning attributes (absolute, top, left, bottom) for the inner divs in your CSS solves the issue of maintaining the correct appearance regardless of the middle div's size. Can you clarify if there is a specific requirement for absolute positioning on those inner elements?

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