Could someone provide a detailed explanation on the functionality of multiple inline nth-child() in CSS?

In this scenario, there is an example provided:

html>body>#wrapper>div>div>div:nth-child(1)>div:nth-child(1)>nav {

I am curious about the functionality of this code. Could someone dissect each div, ">", and nth-child()? Your insight would be greatly appreciated as I am eager to understand how this code operates.

Answer №1

> signifies the child selector. It's important to understand the distinction between a descendant and a child in CSS. The selector .a .b targets any element with a class of b that is a descendant of an element with a class of a, whereas the selector .a>.b specifically selects elements with a class of b which are children of an element with a class of a. While all children are descendants, only direct descendants are considered children.


  • #container will match an element with the id of container
  • #container>section will target section elements that are direct children (first-generation descendants) of #container
  • #container>section>div will select div elements that are children of div elements that are children of #container
  • #container>section>div:nth-child(2)
    will identify div elements that are the second child of div elements that are children of sections which are children of #container
  • #container>section>div:nth-child(2)>span:nth-child(1)
    will find span elements that are the first child of div elements that are the second child of sections that are children of #container
  • #container>section>div:nth-child(2)>span:nth-child(1)>a
    will target anchor elements that are children of div elements that are the first child of div elements that are the second child of sections that are children of #container

This can get quite complex in CSS. It's often easier to assign an id or class to the a element and then utilize simpler selectors in your styles:

<a id="link1" class="btn-link">
  #link1 { ... add your styling here ... }
  .btn-link { ... more styles go here ...}

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