Refreshing a specific div within an HTML page

I am facing an issue with the navigation on my website. Currently, I have a div on the left side of the page containing a nav bar. However, when a user clicks a link in the nav bar, only the content on the right side of the page changes. Is there a way to ensure that only the right side content is reloaded when a link is clicked? For example, if a link in "navPanel" is clicked, then "contentPanel" should refresh to display the corresponding content.

<nav id="navPanel">
   <a>link 1</a>
   <a>link 2</a>
   <a>link 3</a>

<div id="contentPanel">

Answer №1

A great way to dynamically load content on a webpage is by using the jQuery function called load().


$( function() {
    $(document).on("click", "#navPanel a", function(){
        var link = $(this).attr('rel');  
        $("#contentPanel").load(link+" #contentPanel > *");

<nav id="navPanel">
   <a rel='link.html'>link 1</a>
   <a rel='link.html'>link 2</a>
   <a rel='link.html'>link 3</a>

<div id="contentPanel">

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