The legend color in a JavaFX StackedBarChart does not adhere to the chart color CSS styling

Within my application, using JDK version 1.8u51, I need to assign specific colors to different data categories in a StackedBarChart. To accomplish this, I have created the following CSS:

    -fx-ok-color: darkgreen;
    -fx-critical-color: darkblue;
    -fx-warning-color: gold;
    -fx-minor-color: orange;
    -fx-major-color: red;
    -fx-undefined-color: darkgrey;  
    -fx-bar-fill : -fx-ok-color;
    -fx-bar-fill : -fx-warning-color;
    -fx-bar-fill : -fx-minor-color;
    -fx-bar-fill : -fx-major-color;
    -fx-bar-fill : -fx-critical-color;
    -fx-bar-fill : -fx-undefined-color;

This CSS is then utilized in my code as shown below:

StackedBarChart barChart = new StackedBarChart(new CategoryAxis(), new NumberAxis());
barChart.getData().forEach(data ->{
    XYChart.Series moduleSerie = (XYChart.Series)data;
    moduleSerie.getData().forEach(item ->{
        XYChart.Data item2 = (XYChart.Data)item;
        // styleLink is a map which contains the link from the alarm type (minor, major....) to the CSS style   (minorChartbar, majorChartbar, ...)

The resulting StackedBarChart can be viewed here.

In the displayed chart, there seems to be a discrepancy in colors between the chart areas and the legend. For instance, "Critical" should appear as blue and "Major" as red.

I am uncertain whether this inconsistency is due to a JavaFX bug or an issue within my code.

I apologize for the length of this post, but I wanted to provide as much detail as possible.

Answer №1

If you're looking for the solution, I discovered the answer by referring to 2 different questions:

  • First Source
  • Second Source

Furthermore, I found out that adding .chart-legend-item-symbol to each style class in my CSS was crucial, like so:

.okChartBar .chart-legend-item-symbol{ 

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