The element will display above all other elements in its parent container

I am currently developing a React application, and the code structure is set up as follows:

<Div style={{maxHeight:'60vh'}}>
   //This section includes the code for displaying a list item. Each item has its context menu that can be activated by clicking on an icon.
<Div style={{maxHeight:'40vh'}}></Div>

The Div elements have been assigned a maximum height. However, when a user clicks on the icon to trigger the context menu, it is being displayed within the scrollbar. I would like the context menu to appear at the top of the screen, taking up the entire div for optimal display instead of rendering inside the first div itself.

The context menu component is currently located within the first div.

Are there any CSS or alternative solutions to address this issue?

Current Behavior:

Expected Behavior:

Answer №1

The issue may be related to the usage of margin/padding. Consider setting a percentage value for `maxHeight`. Ensure the height of the parent div is specified.

<div style={{maxHeight:'60%'}}>
   //Include code for displaying a list item with individual context menus accessible via icon click.
<div style={{maxHeight:'40%'}}></div>

Answer №2

After some consideration, I decided to extract the context menu into its own dedicated React component. Now, when a user clicks on the designated item, I am able to programmatically manage the visibility of the content menu.

As a result, my current structure looks like this:

<Div id="firstDiv" style={{maxHeight:'60vh'}}></Div>
<Div id="secondDiv" style={{maxHeight:'40vh'}}></Div>
<Div show="conditional rendering">
  // Options for first Div menu are displayed using React-Bootstrap Toasts
<Div show="conditional rendering">
 // Options for second Div menu are displayed using React-Bootstrap Toasts

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