The issue with Internet Explorer failing to adhere to the restrictions set on maximum width and

I'm attempting to scale my images precisely using CSS:


<div id="thumbnail-container">
    <img src="sample-pic.jpg"/>


#thumbnail-container img {
    max-height: 230px;
    max-width: 200px;

In this scenario, the image sample-pic.jpg is sized at 320x211.

While Firefox 11.0 resizes the image as expected based on the CSS rules, Internet Explorer 9 ignores the constraints and displays the image at its original size of 320x211.

Is there a way to adjust the HTML/CSS so that both IE 9 and FF 11.0 respect these maximum dimensions? Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

Ensure that you have specified a doctype and that there are no visible outputs or spaces before it in your code. For instance, the following is the HTML5 doctype and should be placed at the very beginning of your document:

<!doctype html>

In addition, if Internet Explorer is running in compatibility mode, this can lead to issues. Consider including the following snippet in your <head> section:

<!-- Forces users out of IE's compatibility mode and eliminates the "broken page" icon --> 
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />

Note: After conducting some tests, it appears that the absence of a doctype does impact the functionality of max-width. Compatibility mode did not seem to play a role in this specific issue.

Answer №2

Internet Explorer 7 and higher now have the capability to support both max-width and max-height.

To see a demonstration, visit

When testing your page, ensure that it is running in standards mode by including a valid doctype.

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