The height of each list item should expand based on the size of the div contained within it

The HTML markup I am working with looks like this:

<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" class="stuff site-content lists">
        <div class="nearby"> 20 </div>
        <h1> name</h1>

I have the following CSS code:

.nearby{width: 85px; 
   height: auto; 
   float: left;
   margin-right: 10px; 
   font-size: 26px; 
   text-align: center; 
   padding: 15px 0; 
   border: 2px #c1c1c1 solid; 
   background: #fafafa; 
li{padding: .7em 15px;
   display: block;

Currently, the div does not align properly in the middle due to its height. Is it possible to adjust the li item's height dynamically based on the div instead of the h1?

Answer №1

To make it functional, include the code below:


By applying display:inline-block; to the parent of a floated element, you can ensure that it wraps around the floated content entirely. This method is commonly employed for effective layout design.

Answer №2

Implement float: left on both the ul and li elements to address a recurring layout issue.

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