Uncover each image individually

I have a task in React where I am displaying a list of images using the map method, and I want to reveal each image one by one after a delay. The images I am working with can be seen here and I need them to be revealed sequentially.

The following code snippet shows how the images are displayed using map:

{props.chain.map((value, index, elements) =>
            {<img src={elements[index].image_url} className="evol_img" />}

If you have any ideas on how I could achieve this sequential reveal effect, please share your suggestions!

Answer №1

Consider adding a CSS transition effect to the images and coupling it with setTimeout for each element in your map.

You could try implementing something similar to this:

const delay = 200;
let timer = delay;
{props.chain.map((value, index, elements) =>
      {setTimeout(() => {
        return <img src={elements[index].image_url} className="animation_img" />
        timer = timer + delay;
       }, delay);

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