Creating a variety of themes with unique color palettes for Angular Material along with custom-designed components

One of the goals for my app is to have multiple themes, including Angular Material themes, with the ability to define custom colors for specific components and elements that are not part of Angular Material. It's important that when I change a theme, those custom colors also change accordingly. For example, if I have a file that outlines the colors for each theme, I would like to import it into any scss file and use these colors to style different elements:

@import "custom-colors"

.my-elem {
 color: $textColor;

When switching themes, I envision applying a particular class to the top-level container of the app. Afterwards, I expect $textColor to take on a new value so that the color of .my-elem updates as well.

Is there a way to accomplish this without having to manually write out different styles for each component affected by the theme change?

Answer №1

Discover 2 different methods to update themes:
1. Implementing a parent class in the root component
2. Renaming files (similar to what angular material does)

1. Applying CSS using a parent class (See example below)

.light {
 mat-form-field {
  color: white;
 my-custom-element {
 color: white;
.dark {
 mat-form-field {
  color: black;
 my-custom-element {
  color: black;

When a user switches the theme, simply change the class on your root element like so:

<app-component class="light">

There are multiple approaches for achieving this: Using global variables, Utilizing Event Emitters

2. Renaming file names - splitting the same file into light.css and dark.css

Upon changing the theme, swap out

<link ref="stylesheet" href="light.css">

The Angular approach involves using Renderer 2 Set Attribute

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