Having trouble getting CSS "::Before" to work in my HTML code - any solutions?

I've been struggling to make use of the ::before pseudo-element in CSS for a hover effect. Despite going through various tutorials on YouTube, I can't seem to get it to work properly. I'm not sure why this isn't working as expected.

<!DOCTYPE html>



           <a href = "https://www.google.com/search?q=Get+rickrolled"><button id = "Btn" class = "Btn" >Rickroll</button></a>


               .Btn::Before {

                   Content: '';
                   Position: Absolute;

                   Border-Width: 5px;
                   Border-Color: Cyan;
                   Width: 150px;
                   Height: 50px;

                   Font-Size: 30px;
                   Font: Comic;
                   Align-Items: Center;

                   Margin-Top: 50px;

                   Z-Index: -1;

                   transition: 0.6s;


Answer №1

Here is the code you can use:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        Button:hover {

            background-color: green;
            Content: '';
            Position: Absolute;

            Border-Width: 5px;
            Border-Color: Cyan;
            Width: 150px;
            Height: 50px;

            Font-Size: 30px;
            Font: Comic;
            Align-Items: Center;

            Margin-Top: 50px;

            Z-Index: -1;

            transition: 0.6s;




    <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=Prakhar+Doneria" target="black"><button>Rickroll</button></a>



Answer №2

To begin, insert <style> </style> within the <head> element.

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