Combining CSS documents

In order to improve page load speed, I need to consolidate multiple CSS files into one large file. Will the styles function properly if I merge them all together, or are there potential issues when combining multiple CSS files? My software is built in Java, so any recommendations on libraries for CSS merging would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To achieve your goal seamlessly, try utilizing the ANT build script available in HTML Boilerplate.

Answer №2

Combining CSS files that use @import may alter the imported URLs, as relative URLs are resolved based on the containing CSS file.

This could potentially cause unintentional disruptions to the @import statements within the CSS files.

To ensure independence from absolute resource locations, it is recommended for authors to utilize relative URIs in their modular style sheets. The resolution of relative URIs to full URIs is based on a base URI as defined in RFC 3986, section 3. For CSS style sheets, the base URI is that of the specific style sheet, not the source document.

Answer №3

From what I vaguely remember (note: my memory could be incorrect or outdated), there may be issues with certain browsers when a @charset declaration is not placed at the start of the file. I'm unsure if this applies to other @directives as well.

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