Currently, my goal is to place a div underneath two other divs. Here is the code snippet that I am working

I am attempting to position the div with id 4 so that it appears after the divs with ids 2 and 3, which are placed next to each other. However, when I try to do this, I notice that the div with id 4 seems to start from the top itself. Even though the content within div 4 is displayed below the content in divs 2 and 3 as intended (with the buttons appearing at the bottom), the borders of div 4 seem to indicate that it has started at the top, causing some confusion.

<div id="1" style="width:100%;">
<div id="2" style="float:left; width:50%; border: 5px solid black" ></div>
<div id="3" style="float:right; width:50%; border: 5px solid red"></div>
<div id="4"style="border: 5px solid cyan"></div>

Answer №1

One reason for this issue could be due to the floats not being cleared properly. An easy fix is to insert a new div with the class clear. You can then define it in your CSS like so:


You can see the difference in the result here:

Another consideration is to utilize box-sizing: border-box; for your div elements. This style will maintain the specified width and height, while pushing all borders and margins inside the div.

You can view the revised outcome here:

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