I found a code snippet in my DOM that sets the current date on a table.
<table id="daysTableLeft" class="table table-hover" ng-init="getHorraire(pickDateRow,$index,0)">
<tr ng-repeat="fd in getFullDayDate track by $index"
style="cursor:pointer" ng-model="pickDateRow"
ng-class="{activeLink: $index===selectedIndex, weekend: fd.dayName=='Samedi'|| fd.dayName=='Dimanche'}">
<td style="font-size:14px;" id="{{fd.$index}}"> {{fd.fullDate}}, 2018</td>
<tr><td style="height:80px;"></td></tr>
Assuming today's date is 30/03/2018, I noticed that the 30th date is at the bottom of the table and requires manual scrolling to view it.
Is there a way to automatically scroll to the current date?