The functionality of the anchor tag is not supported by the Safari browser on iPhone devices

Having some trouble with a named anchor tag in the iPhone Safari browser. It's functioning properly in desktop browsers, including Safari, but not working on mobile Safari. Odd!

For instance, my URL appears as:

The above URL is from a newsletter and it should take me to the bottom paragraph of the article page where I've assigned an id like this:

<p id="articlebottom">paragraph goes here</p>

When I click the URL from the newsletter, I'm taken to the article page, but not to the designated bottom paragraph with the specified id. Strangely, I noticed that the #articlebottom part is missing from the URL when it reaches the targeted page in Safari.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

When navigating from one page to another, Opera, IE, Chrome and Firefox will maintain the anchor link. However, Safari tends to lose the anchor during redirection.

One workaround is to insert a forward slash just before the ID Tag:

Original URL Path:

New URL Path:

Alternatively, you can remove "www." from the domain and include a slash before the anchor tag in the URL/path for Safari to function correctly. Firefox doesn't seem to be affected, while testing on IE is still pending.

Answer №2

For those facing issues with Index navigation links on a Squarespace page and Safari on iOS, I took the time to troubleshoot and provide a solution. Initially, my anchor links were unresponsive when formatted like this:

I then attempted the following, but it did not work:"

Instead of giving up in frustration, I kept trying different options until success was achieved by using:

If you are experiencing similar difficulties, give this a try and hopefully, it will resolve your issue as well.

Answer №3

I tried the solutions provided above, but couldn't get it to work, so I came up with my own workaround.

Objective: Scroll to anchor "#issues" after navigating to URL ""

  1. Create a link ""
  2. On the page "", include the following JavaScript:
       if ("anchor=issues") > 0) {
           window.location.href= "";



You will notice that when you open the link "" in Safari, it scrolls from the anchor to the top of the page. Then, if you edit the URL and click the submit button, you will be scrolled to the anchor.

I hope this issue gets resolved quickly, and they add push notification support soon.

Answer №4

If you're experiencing issues with Safari losing the anchor tag after redirecting, it's best to steer clear of anything that results in a secondary redirect.

  • Always use the complete URL (.)
  • Note whether there is a redirect to www or not (www.domain...)
  • Ensure to add a trailing / if there is no prefix like .html/.php (mypage/)


Consider using tools like cURL to check for redirects

curl -I http://www.domain.tdl/mypage/#safari

Answer №5

I've been struggling with an issue on a client project, and I wanted to share a solution I discovered that revived dead anchor links on both mobile and desktop versions of the site.

Initially, I thought the problem was due to too many scripts and CSS on the page that I couldn't modify. Since the site is part of a global corporate network, I have to adhere to their guidelines and rules, limiting my ability to make changes. However, I found a workaround that worked:

href="#anchorname" target="_top"

The key here is using the target tag "_top."

According to, the default target is "_self." Even though your HTML generator might not explicitly include this code because it's the default, specifying "_top" as the target solved the dead link issue in my case.

I hope this solution proves helpful for you as well.

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