Does Blazorise support the Material .figure-is-16x16 class?

While Blazorise supports the .figure-is-16x16 class, I have noticed that when using it in Material, it does not work by default. I am curious if the Material version of Blazorise supports this class or if there is another related class available. Currently, I am adding the .figure-is-16x16 class manually, but I would prefer for it to be supported by default.

.figure-is-16x16 {
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;

.figure-is-32x32 {
    width: 32px;
    height: 32px;

.figure-is-48x48 {
    width: 48px;
    height: 48px;

Answer №1

Update: A recent bug fix has been incorporated and will be included in the upcoming release of Blazorise.

It seems like a glitch has been identified within Blazorise. The issue is noticeable on their material demo page: .

However, everything appears to be functioning correctly on their bootstrap demo page when it comes to size consistency:

I have raised the concern on the Blazorise GitHub repository:

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