Issue with Laravel Blade template not linking CSS files in a subfolder

I am currently facing an issue where the CSS file path in my code is incorrect. The code I have is:


When rendered in the source code, it displays as:


This path is incorrect and should actually be:


However, I do not want the 'laravel' part of the URL to be visible in the source.

The current project directory is:


Everything else seems to be working fine with this setup. How can I fix this issue and get the CSS file path to display correctly?

Answer №1

Everything is working exactly how it should.

In order to optimize security for Laravel applications, it is recommended to set the public folder as the root directory. Your virtual host should be configured with path_to/laravel/public as the directory. This simple adjustment will resolve any potential issues.

It is crucial to avoid making the entire path_to/laravel directory accessible from the web, as this can leave your application vulnerable. For those using a linux based web server, ensure that only the contents of the public folder are placed in the public_html directory for proper access control.

Answer №2

By using Laravel, all resource files are linked to the public folder allowing you to utilize the asset() function as shown below:

<link href="{{ asset('main.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

The file main.css should be located within the public/ directory.

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