Automatically adjusting jQuery script now functions on all hyperlinks for seamless resizing

I am attempting to create a rollover script that will resize my social network links when hovered over. The desired effect is for the 32px square icon to expand and display the trailing address. For example, when hovering over the Facebook link, it should transition from

[f] [t] [g]


[f /facebookpage] [t] [g]

Similarly, the Twitter link should change from

[f] [t] [g]


[f] [t @twitter] [g]

Below is the current script I am using:

    var network = $('.social-networks li a'),
    animateTime = 75,
    navLink = $('.social-networks li a');
        if(network.width() === 32){
            autoWidthAnimate(network, animateTime);
        } else {
            network.stop().animate({ width: '32' }, animateTime);
function autoWidthAnimate(element, time){
    var curWidth = element.width(), // Get default width
    autoWidth = element.css('width', 'auto').width(); // Get auto width
    element.width(curWidth); // Reset to default width
    element.stop().animate({ width: autoWidth }, parseInt(time)); // Animate to auto width

While this script works fine for individual icons, I encounter issues when there are multiple icons as it resizes them all together. I have attempted

$(this).find('.social-networks li a')
, but it returns the same result. Similarly,
$(this).children('.social-networks li a')
does not provide the desired outcome. Is there a way to select only the specific element being hovered over?

Answer №1

When utilizing the hover function, it is essential to animate $(this) rather than caching network. The this variable pertains to the element being hovered over, so wrap it in a jQuery object for jQuery animation purposes. It is likely that your network variable consists of an array containing all social icons.

                var network = $('.social-networks li a'),
                    animateTime = 75,
                    navLink = $('.social-networks li a');
                    var $this = $(this);
                    if($this.width() === 32){
                        autoWidthAnimate($this, animateTime);
                    } else {
                        $this.stop().animate({ width: '32' }, animateTime);
              function autoWidthAnimate(element, time){
                  var curWidth = element.width(), // Get default width
                      autoWidth = element.css('width', 'auto').width(); // Get auto width
                  element.width(curWidth); // Reset to default width
                  element.stop().animate({ width: autoWidth }, parseInt(time)); // Animate to auto width

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