Tips for aligning an image in the middle of a column within an ExtJS GridPanel

My goal is to center the icon horizontally within the "Data" column:

Currently, I have applied textAlign: center to the column:

Additionally, I am using CSS in the icon renderer function to horizontally center it:

Despite these efforts, the icon remains left-aligned.

What more can I do to ensure that the icon in the column is centered horizontally?

Answer №1

By including align: 'center' in the actioncolumn item, I was able to achieve the desired outcome. Here's how it looked:

   xtype: 'actioncolumn',
   text: 'Edit',
   align: 'center',
   items: [{**}]

Answer №2

Without any way to test, I'm taking an educated guess here.

It seems like the margin: 0 auto property isn't successfully centering the image.

My suggestion is to try adding the display: block attribute to the image - this might help your margin rule work as intended.

Answer №3

Perhaps consider updating the render function in this way:

function displayIcon(val) {
    if(val=='active') {
        return '<div style="width:100%;height:16px;background-image:url(/images/icon_blue_dot.png);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;">&nbsp;</div>';
    } else {
        return '<div style="width:100%;height:16px;background-image:url(/images/icon_green_dot.png);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;">&nbsp;</div>';

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