Displaying user input data in a separate component post form submission within Angular

I recently developed an employee center app with both form and details views. After submitting the form, the data entered should be displayed in the details view. To facilitate this data transfer, I created an EmployeeService to connect the form and details components. However, I am facing issues as the data is not being transferred from the form component to the details component. Can anyone provide any suggestions or assistance on how to fix this? You can find my code here-



Answer №1

Consider using BehaviorSubject instead of Subject to ensure that the latest emitted value is available for new subscribers when your employee details component is instantiated.

Additionally, it is recommended to handle navigation after form submission rather than within the same button click event. This way, the navigation logic can be moved to the onSubmit() function.

Check out the updated stackblitz example and share your thoughts: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mmqqjk

Answer №2

To resolve this issue, it is recommended to switch from using a Subject to a BehaviorSubject in the service.

A Subject immediately emits when next() is called. In this scenario, the form component triggers next on the Subject, then you move to the detail component where the subscription takes place. However, by that time, the Subject has already emitted and the event was missed.

On the other hand, a BehaviorSubject retains its last value and will emit that value upon subscription.

Answer №3

If you want to store your data in a class and later access it, you can follow the example below by creating a variable and then using .next() method on it.

private storage = new BehaviorSubject<any>({});
storedData = this.storage.asObservable();

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