The footer element rebels against its designated functionality

The standard structure follows:

    <div class="wrapper">

In this setup, the footer is expected to appear below the body without being influenced by the CSS applied to the body or its elements.

The goal is to keep the footer positioned at the bottom of the page regardless of the amount of content within the body. To achieve this, the following CSS should be used:

    body, html {
        height: 100vh;
    .wrapper {
        min-height: 96vh;
        position: relative;
    footer {
        width: 100%;
        height: 4vh;
        position: relative;
        bottom: 0;
        font-size: .75em;

Upon inspection in my browser, I noticed that the footer is contained within the body tag, which seems illogical. Furthermore, the footer appears with a width matching the viewport in the code, but it does not render as such on the display. It shows some whitespace on the right side besides border area. When applying background-color: yellow, this becomes more apparent. Additionally, the positioning issue persists unless there is enough content in <myContent> pushing it below the visible screen area.

What could be the problem with this layout?

Answer №1

When it comes to HTML5, any content that is not explicitly placed within a <head> or <body> element will automatically be assigned to the appropriate location. If the necessary element does not already exist, the browser will create it.

According to the HTML5 specifications, elements such as <html>, <head>, and <body> are considered optional. Most browsers will generate these missing elements as needed. This is particularly noticeable when dealing with tables and their corresponding parts like <thead> and <tbody>.

It's important to keep in mind that the code visible through the browser's inspector may have been altered by the browser itself to ensure proper rendering of the webpage.

Answer №2

When it comes to HTML, the body tag is like the encapsulation of all things visible on a webpage. We also have the HEAD element, but that's more for the behind-the-scenes stuff like stylesheets and scripts. So, if you're looking for where your FOOTER element belongs, it definitely falls under the BODY element.

Answer №3

To optimize the structure of your webpage, it is important to enclose footer, header, and other specific semantic tags within the body element. Learn more about HTML5 semantic elements at

Answer №4

It is worth noting that placing elements outside of the body in your HTML code is considered invalid. Fortunately, most modern browsers are able to correct this issue by moving those elements inside the body tag.

Answer №5

Thank you for sharing your insights on the placement of footers within the body. I was under the impression that footers could be placed anywhere, but I will take your advice into consideration.

I recently experienced an issue with my footer behaving strangely after the inspector zoom settings were altered specifically for the index page. It's strange how it only affected one page, but a simple reset resolved the problem and put everything back in place.

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