How can I create an input field that comes with a preset value but can be updated by the user with a different name?

I am in need of a solution that will enable a user to update text on a webpage dynamically. I have been unable to find any information on how to achieve this.

Is there anyone aware of a method to implement this feature? Perhaps a library or utilizing Vue (which is part of our current project)?

The desired outcome I am aiming for

The concept is to empower the user to change 'Project 1' to a name of their choice by clicking the icon on the right, and then saving it so the new name persists each time the user revisits the page.

Any assistance or guidance on obtaining or creating this functionality would be greatly valued.

Answer №1

There are two ways to achieve this. The first method does not rely on any libraries, while the second method requires the use of Angular.js.

<input onkeypress="document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].innerHTML = this.value">


<input ng-model="input">

Answer №2

Alternatively, you have the option to accomplish this task using plain JavaScript:

const element = document.getElementById('page-title');
element.onkeyup = function(event) {
   window.document.title =;
New Page Title: <input type="text" id="page-title">

Answer №3

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <input id="userHeader" type="text" name="lname"></input>
    <button onclick="modifyHeader()">Modify Header</button>
        function modifyHeader() {
            document.title = document.getElementById('userHeader').value;


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