What is the process for allowing right-click to open in a new tab, while left-clicking redirects to a new page in the current tab?

In my project, I have implemented a multi-page form for users to input information. The left side menu contains items that allow users to switch between different pages while filling out the form. Currently, clicking on any of these items redirects the user within the same tab. However, if a user tries to right-click and open in a new window or tab, the desired action does not occur. I would like to enable opening these items in a new tab only when right-clicking on them.

                        <li id="arrival_button" class="nav-item w-100 side_bar_buttons">
                            <a onclick="save_and_redirect('mainform','arrival_information')"
                                class="nav-link align-middle px-0 black_color">
                                <span class="ms-1  d-sm-inline">Arrival

                        <li id="food_drinks_button" class="nav-item w-100 side_bar_buttons">
                            <a onclick="save_and_redirect('mainform', 'food_and_drinks');"
                                class="nav-link align-middle px-0 black_color">
                                <span class="ms-1  d-sm-inline">Food &

                        <li id="guest_button" class="nav-item w-100 side_bar_buttons">
                            <a onclick="save_and_redirect('mainform', 'guest_req');"
                                class="nav-link align-middle px-0 black_color">
                                <span class="ms-1  d-sm-inline">Guest Requirements</span>

I am aware of using target="_blank" with <a> tags in Django, however, I specifically do not want to implement this feature to always open links in a new tab. Instead, I aim to achieve this functionality only when a user right-clicks on the items.

Answer №1

You have the ability to utilize JavaScript to manage the right-click event and trigger the opening of a new tab for a link programmatically.

Assign the oncontextmenu attribute to each anchor tag (links). When performing a right-click on the link, the openInNewTab function will be invoked with the form and page as parameters. This function will then proceed to open a new window containing the specified URL.

Remember to substitute

'your-url-here?form=' + form + '&page=' +
page with the actual desired URL for opening in a new tab.

The inclusion of return false; serves to prevent the default context menu from appearing upon right-clicking.

Ensure that you modify the URL within window.open based on the structure and routing of your project.

I have made enhancements to the snippet. Please review it.

function showContextMenu(event, form, page) {

        var contextMenu = document.getElementById('contextMenu');
        contextMenu.style.display = 'block';
        contextMenu.style.left = event.clientX + 'px';
        contextMenu.style.top = event.clientY + 'px';

        document.getElementById('openInNewTab').addEventListener('click', function() {
            window.open('arrival_information?form=' + form + '&page=' + page, '_blank');
            contextMenu.style.display = 'none';

        // Add similar event listeners for other context menu options

    document.addEventListener('click', function() {
        var contextMenu = document.getElementById('contextMenu');
        contextMenu.style.display = 'none';
background-color: beige;
padding: 10px 15px;
<li id="arrival_button" class="nav-item w-100 side_bar_buttons">
    <a onclick="save_and_redirect('mainform','arrival_information')"
       oncontextmenu="showContextMenu(event, 'mainform', 'arrival_information'); return false;"
       class="nav-link align-middle px-0 black_color">
        <span class="ms-1  d-sm-inline">Arrival Information</span>

<div id="contextMenu" style="display:none; position:absolute;">
    <div id="openInNewTab"><a href="#!">Open in New Tab</a></div>
    <div id="openInNewTab"><a href="#!">Open in new window</a></div>
    <!-- Add other context menu options here -->

Answer №2

My issue was successfully resolved by installing the django-admin-contextmenu==0.1.0 package in my project using the command pip install django-admin-contextmenu and then updating it in my settings file.

To add contextmenu to INSTALLED_APPS:


After adding the necessary tags with href links, the right-click context menu on all pages of my website automatically updated. Additionally, I also included page links within the sidebar, which further enhanced the functionality.

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