Tips for adjusting the width of items within the Box element in Material UI React

I am utilizing React Material UI along with the Box component to style my form. In this scenario, I have 4 items in each row except for the last row where I need to display only 3 items with the last item filling the entire row by merging two elements together. How can I achieve this when the Box component divides all my rows into 4 columns?

Here is my code:

       display: 'grid',
       columnGap: 2,
       rowGap: 3,
       gridTemplateColumns: {xs: 'repeat(7, 1fr)',
       sm: 'repeat(4, 1fr)'},
First row with 4 columns:

    <TextField ....>
    <TextField ....>
    <TextField ....>
    <TextField ....>

Second row with 3 columns:

    <TextField ....>
    <TextField ....>
    //This column should span across two columns.
    <TextField ....>


Answer №1

Give this grid design a try:

import * as React from "react";
import { Box, TextField } from "@mui/material";

export default function CustomGrid() {
  return (
        display: "grid",
        gridTemplateAreas: "'a1 a2 a3 a4' 'b1 b2 c c'"
      {/* First row with 4 columns: */}
      <TextField style={{ gridArea: "a1" }} />
      <TextField style={{ gridArea: "a2" }} />
      <TextField style={{ gridArea: "a3" }} />
      <TextField style={{ gridArea: "a4" }} />
      {/* Second row with 3 columns: */}
      <TextField style={{ gridArea: "b1" }} />
      <TextField style={{ gridArea: "b2" }} />
      {/* The following column should span two columns. */}
      <TextField style={{ gridArea: "c" }} />

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