Maintaining a fixed header that remains visible while scrolling through a dropdown menu in Angular

In my application, I have a mat-select widget that displays a list of options. When scrolling within the list, I find it difficult to keep track of all the options.

I am looking to enhance the user experience by adding a fixed header at the top of the options list so that it remains visible while scrolling.

<mat-select placeholder="Select store"
              /* THIS IS MY HEADER DIV */
              <div id="myHeader" class="fixed-header">
                <span class="header-text"></span>
              <mat-option *ngFor="let store of storesListSortedByName"

How can I ensure that this div stays at the top and does not disappear when scrolling through the list?

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

Make sure to include the following in your CSS code (don't forget to specify the top: xxx px value) as it dictates the exact placement of the element.

.m-2 {
   position: sticky;
   top: 0px;
   margin-bottom: <adjust according to your needs>px;


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