Highlight the navigation transition in the menu

Is there a more updated tutorial available for creating an underline effect that slides from one link to another when hovered over and remains at the clicked link?

I have come across a tutorial on Underline transition in menu which seems to be based on the tutorial from Css-only Lavalamp-like Fancy Menu Effect.

However, I am facing some issues with the code provided in codepen

  1. I am having difficulty centering the underline under the link due to its absolute position. It requires trial and error to find the correct number to center it using the left element. I would prefer to center the underline using margin: 0 auto or text-align: center if possible.

  2. Since this is for a Wordpress navigation menu, I am wondering if you have any tips or suggestions.


<div class="width">
<nav class="ph-line-nav">
    <a href="#">News</a>
    <a href="#">Activities</a>
    <a href="#">Search</a>
    <a href="#">Time</a>
    <div class="effect"></div>


.width {
  width: 700px;
  margin: 0 auto;
nav {
    font-size: 110%;
    display: table;
    background: #FFF;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
nav a {
    background: #FFF;
    display: block;
    float: left;
    padding: 2% 0;
    width: 25%;
    text-decoration: none;
    color: /*#555*/black;
    transition: .4s;
    color: /*#00ABE8*/ red;
/* ========================
   ======================== */
 .effect {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;
nav a:nth-child(1).active ~ .effect {
    left: 0%;
    /* the middle of the first <a> */
nav a:nth-child(2).active ~ .effect {
    left: 25%;
    /* the middle of the second <a> */
nav a:nth-child(3).active ~ .effect {
    left: 50%;
    /* the middle of the third <a> */
nav a:nth-child(4).active ~ .effect {
    left: 75%;
    /* the middle of the forth <a> */
.ph-line-nav .effect {
    width: /*55px*/ 25%;
    height: 2px;
    bottom: 5px;
    background: /*#00ABE8*/black;


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.ph-line-nav').on('click', 'a', function() {
        $('.ph-line-nav a').removeClass('active');

If possible, I prefer to stick to CSS-only tutorials without relying on JavaScript. However, I can make exceptions if necessary. I may delete this question if it seems unnecessary...

Update: I found something similar to what I want here: example but it includes JavaScript. Should I still consider it?

Answer №1

I believe this information meets your requirements


<div class="nav-wrap">
 <ul class="group" id="example-one">
    <li class="current_page_item"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Buy Tickets</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Group Sales</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Reviews</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">The Show</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Videos</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Photos</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Magic Shop</a></li>


    /* Example One */
#example-one { 
    margin: 0 auto; 
    list-style: none; 
    position: relative; 
    width: 960px; 
#example-one li { 
    display: inline-block;  
#example-one a { 
    color: #bbb; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    float: left;
    padding: 6px 10px 4px 10px;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-transform: uppercase;
#example-one a:hover { 
    color: black; 
#magic-line { 
    position: absolute;
    bottom: -2px; 
    left: 0; 
    width: 100px; 
    height: 2px; 
    background: #fe4902;
.current_page_item a { 
    color: black !important; 
.ie6 #example-one li, .ie7 #example-one li { 
    display: inline; 
.ie6 #magic-line {
    bottom: -3px;


$(function() {

    var $el, leftPos, newWidth,
        $mainNav = $("#example-one");

    $mainNav.append("<li id='magic-line'></li>");
    var $magicLine = $("#magic-line");

        .css("left", $(".current_page_item a").position().left)
        .data("origLeft", $magicLine.position().left)
        .data("origWidth", $magicLine.width());

    $("#example-one li a").hover(function() {
        $el = $(this);
        leftPos = $el.position().left;
        newWidth = $el.parent().width();
            left: leftPos,
            width: newWidth
    }, function() {
            left: $magicLine.data("origLeft"),
            width: $magicLine.data("origWidth")


Answer №2

Utilizing some mathematical calculations is necessary when working with absolute positioned elements (such as divs with the effect class). If you're using a CSS pre-processor like Sass, this task becomes much easier. However, if you prefer to stick with plain CSS, manual adjustments for each "nth-child" are required. This can also be achieved effortlessly using JavaScript.


In your layout of 700px width, each anchor tag (nav a) within it occupies 25% width. Therefore, each anchor has a width of 175px (700 * 0.25). You also need an underline with a fixed width of 55px.

.ph-line-nav .effect {
    width: 55px;
    height: 2px;
    bottom: 5px;
    background: /*#00ABE8*/black;

If the active anchor is the first one, the underline should start 60px from the beginning.

(175 - 55) / 2 = 60

60px(space) + 55px(underline) + 60px(space)

nav a:nth-child(1).active ~ .effect {
    left: 60px;

For the second anchor, you would need to position it at 235px (175 + 60).

nav a:nth-child(2).active ~ .effect {
    left: 235px;

Following this formula, you can calculate the positioning for each nth child element.

left = (nth-child - 1) * 175 + 60


nth-child(3) = (3 - 1) * 175 + 60 = 410

nth-child(4) = (4 - 1) * 175 + 60 = 585

UPDATE: It seems you are using jQuery. In that case;


var layoutWidth = 700,
    underlineWidth = 55,
    menuCount = 4,
    menuWidth = layoutWidth / menuCount, //175px
    leftSpace = (menuWidth - underlineWidth) / 2; //60px

$('.ph-line-nav .effect').css('width', underlineWidth);

for(var i = 1; i < menuCount + 1; i++) {
    var left = (i - 1) * menuWidth + leftSpace; 
    $('nav a:nth-child(' + i + ').active ~ .effect').css('left', left)

By adjusting the underlineWidth and/or menuCount variables, the positioning will be calculated dynamically.

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