The CSS JSON code I have written is not having any impact on the appearance of my div

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/common.css">

    <script src=""></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() { 
     $.getJSON('', {},  function (data) {           
            var donations = "";
            $.each(data.donations, function(index, value) {                         
                    if (index < 3)
                            donations  = donations + "<strong>" + value.person + "</strong>" + value.amount + "<br />" + value.message + "<br />";

            var cssjson = {

            var styleStr = "";
            for(var i in cssjson){ styleStr += i + " {\n"
            for(var j in cssjson[i]){
            styleStr += "\t" + j + ":" + cssjson[i][j] + ";\n"     
            styleStr += "}\n"  


    <h2><span id='title'></span></h2>
    <h3><span id='charity'></span></h2>
    <div><img src="<span id='charity_logo'></span>" /><span id='charity_logo'></span></div>
    <h3>Target <span id='target'></span>, <span id='raised'></span> raised</h3>

    <h4>Percentage Complete - <span id='percent'></span>%</h4>
    <div class="percentage_bar">
        <div class="baseline">
        <div class="total">
        <br clear="all" />
        <div class="percentage_bar_bg">
            <div class="percentage_bar_complete">

    <h3>Most recent donations</h3>

    <div id='donations'></div>

I am facing a challenge with implementing the CSS portion of the JSON file. The objective is to have two div layers stacked on top of each other, one representing an empty bar with a width of 100%, and the other with a dynamic percentage width obtained from the JustGiving JSON feed "percentage_complete".

Unfortunately, the CSSJSON code I included does not appear to be functioning correctly. Any assistance or guidance on this matter would be highly appreciated.

To view the current state of the page, please visit

Answer №1

var cssjson = {

Ensure to assign the width property with the actual value of

(string) "data.percentage_complete"
instead of treating it as a string. Omit the double quotes around the variable name for accurate representation.

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