Rearrange two elements by flipping their positions using CSS

I'm working with the following div that contains an input and a label:

<div class="js-form-item ">

    <input  type="checkbox" id="checkboxes-11" class="type-checkboxes form-checkbox"> 

    <label for="option-a-checkboxes-11" class="option">
        Factures  11chf

    <div class="option-price-style">  </div>

The issue I am facing is that the input appears before the label, but I am attempting to reverse the order so that the label comes before the input. I have attempted this by setting the input to display:block and adding margin-bottom:1px, however, it has not been successful.

Answer №1

It seems like reversing the order may not be possible due to the structure of your CSS, which resembles the following:

input > label {}

However, there is a solution using flexbox that can achieve what you are looking for:

div {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
input {
  order: 2;
label {
  order: 1;

Check out this demo on JSFiddle

Answer №2

Setting them to float: right will cause the items to display in reverse sequence.

If this outcome is not satisfactory - such as if you prefer a vertical layout - adjustments can be made using margin or padding to reposition the elements.

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