The bottom portion of my page vanishes without a

My footer has the following CSS class:

    border-top:solid 2px #BBB;
    background : url('../images/footer.png');
    font-family : helvetica;
    font-style : italic;
    clear: both;
        color: black;
        width: 100%;


The page size is 4000px and I want the footer to always appear regardless of which link the user is on. I tried using position:fixed, but when I change my resolution, the footer disappears. Is there a more flexible way to keep the footer visible on the page?


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


    <body >
        <table style="width:2048px;">
            <td style="min-width:1024px;color:blue;vertical-align:top;">
                [Lorem ipsum text here...]
            <td style="min-width:1024px;color:red;vertical-align:top;">
                [More lorem ipsum text here...]

        <div style="font-family : helvetica; font-style : italic;height:9em;clear: both;color: black;width: 100%;bottom:0px;position:fixed;">
            This is my footer

Could you please check and correct this?

Thank you in advance :)

Answer №1

Utilize the position:absolute; property along with including bottom:0;

Answer №2

To provide a specific solution, I would need to see the complete HTML structure and understand how you have defined the CSS styles for your elements.

One approach you could take is to temporarily disable all CSS styles and observe the natural flow of your webpage's elements. You can then gradually add positioning CSS rules to each element to see how they affect the overall layout. Key properties like position, display, width, and height will play a crucial role in shaping your layout effectively.

It is essential to have a solid grasp of CSS positioning principles, particularly understanding the concept of 'position: relative'. This property influences the position of elements within the block where it is applied. This understanding is vital for ensuring that your footer remains in place. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the 'display' property, especially how utilizing 'inline-block' can assist you in achieving your desired layout.

I hope these suggestions guide you towards finding a resolution to your issue.

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