Prevent scrolling within input field

I have a text entry field with background images that separate each letter into its own box.

Unfortunately, an issue arises when I reach the end of the input: the view automatically scrolls down because the cursor is positioned after the last letter entered.

The complication

Is there a way to prevent this automatic scrolling behavior in my text inputs?

I've attempted using "overflow:hidden" and setting a "maxlength", but the problem still persists.

Edit: here's a simple demonstration (I want to eliminate the shifting effect when the 4th letter is typed)

Answer №1

There are 2 possible solutions:

CSS Method

To avoid the 'jump' behavior, you can increase the width of your input slightly. Example: width : 202px

View CSS solution on JSFiddle

JavaScript Approach

If adjusting the width is not an option, you can prevent the keypress event and check the length of the input value. If it is less than 4 characters, allow the input; otherwise, do nothing.

Using jQuery:

var t = $('#input-form');
t.keypress( function(event){
    //Prevent the value from being added
    //Regex to determine allowed characters (alphanumeric & underscore in this case)
    var reg = /\w/g;
    //Get the key pressed
    var inputChar = String.fromCharCode(event.which);
    //Get the length of the input's value
    var inputLength = t.val().length;

    if ( reg.test(inputChar) && (inputLength < 4) ) {
        //Add the value if input length is less than 4
        t.val(t.val() + inputChar);
        //Do nothing if conditions are not met

View jQuery solution on JSFiddle

Pure JavaScript Method:

var t = document.getElementById('input-form');

t.addEventListener('keypress', function(event){
    //Prevent the value from being added
    //Regex to determine allowed characters (alphanumeric & underscore in this case)
    var reg = /\w/g;
    //Get the key pressed
    var inputChar = String.fromCharCode(event.which);
    //Get the length of the input's value
    var inputLength = t.value.length;
    if ( reg.test(inputChar) && (inputLength < 4) ) {
        //Add the value if input length is less than 4
        t.value = t.value + inputChar;
        //Do nothing if conditions are not met

View Pure JavaScript solution on JSFiddle

Answer №2

I've updated the field width in your CSS code as per your request, here is the revised code:

input {
width: 205px;
height: 50px;
font-size: 30px;
font-family: "Courier", monospace;
letter-spacing: 28px;
text-indent: 18px;
position: fixed;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;


Go ahead and test it by typing something now and observing the fourth character.

Feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance.

Regards, Sohail.

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