Issue observed with the functionality of checkAll and uncheckAll after a user interacts with a single checkbox

After completing an Angular course on Udemy, I decided to implement a custom checkbox in my Angular app. However, I encountered an issue where the UI was not updating properly when using checkAll and uncheckAll functions after the user interacted with an individual checkbox.

You can view my implementation on StackBlitz

Here are some of the things I have tried to solve the issue:

  • Utilizing a timeout (mainly for autofocus)
  • Using ChangeDetectorRef detectChanges()
  • Experimenting with template forms, although tr/tbody rendering proved problematic even when wrapped
  • Attempting to use reactive forms, though unsure if implemented correctly

To replicate the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Click on any checkbox except the first one.
  2. Try clicking on the first checkbox for checkAll or uncheckAll functionality - note that it does not affect the checkbox clicked in the initial step.

Answer №1

The selected attribute signifies the initial state of the field. Deleting it won't make a difference if the field has been interacted with (or if its selected property has already been altered). The selected property can be changed through user interaction (clicking on the checkbox).

You should manipulate the selected property instead as it reflects the current status.

selectAll() {
  const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll<HTMLInputElement>('input[type=checkbox]');
  checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => checkbox.checked = true)

deselectAll() {
  const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll<HTMLInputElement>('input[type=checkbox]');
  checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => checkbox.checked = false)

Modified Stackblitz version

Note: This may not adhere to Angular's recommended method of handling form controls. It is advised not to directly manipulate the DOM for updating control values.

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