Create paper "cut" borders using HTML canvas or pseudo-elements

As a designer with a penchant for pain, I am striving to achieve an "art nouveau" aesthetic on paper for my NextJS project with MUI as the main design solution. Despite the abundance of CSS in the background, I am faced with the challenge of creating inner borders with "cut corners" that must have specific colors and sizes.

I want these borders to adapt to their parent's width and height for full responsiveness, as the Paper will eventually serve as a container for text, images, and more.

How can I create such borders?

My current code structure is straightforward:

<div className="mainWrapper">
   <div className="border1">
      // any text or content
  • Initially, I experimented with the ::after pseudo-element and the clip-path property, but found it challenging to make it responsive while also supporting borders...

  • I then attempted to utilize the <canvas> element with useRef due to my SSR setup, but the outcomes fell short of my desired result...

Answer №1

You can achieve this effect using just a single after pseudo-element and linear gradients.

Below is the HTML code snippet:

<div class="box">Lorem Ipsum</div>

Feel free to test it out on this Codepen link:

Answer №2

If you're struggling with a complex shape, I have just the solution for you! Check out this online generator for custom corners that will make your life easier:

.box {
  width: 400px;
  aspect-ratio: 2;
  margin: 50px;
  position: relative;
.box:before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  inset: 0;
  background: red;
  clip-path: polygon(0 50.00px,50.00px 0,calc(100% - 50.00px) 0,100% 50.00px,100% calc(100% - 50.00px),calc(100% - 50.00px) 100%,50.00px 100%,0 calc(100% - 50.00px),0 50.00px,3px  calc(50.00px + 1.24px),3px calc(100% - 50.00px - 1.24px),calc(50.00px + 1.24px) calc(100% - 3px),calc(100% - 50.00px - 1.24px) calc(100% - 3px),calc(100% - 3px) calc(100% - 50.00px - 1.24px),calc(100% - 3px) calc(50.00px + 1.24px),calc(100% - 50.00px - 1.24px) 3px,calc(50.00px + 1.24px) 3px,3px calc(50.00px + 1.24px));

.box:after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  inset: 10px;
  border: 3px solid red;  
<div class="box"></div>

Answer №3

After much effort and complexity due to CSS, I believe I have discovered a method:

    const styles = {
        mainSurface: {
            width: "100%",
            backgroundColor: "blue"
        bordersContainer: {
            backgroundColor: "blue!important",
            content: "''",
            position: "relative"
        borderTL: {
            content: "''",
            position: "absolute",
            height: 32,
            width: 32,
            top: 16,
            left: 16,
            backgroundColor: "transparent",
            borderRight: "4px solid",
            borderColor: "red",
            transform: "rotate(45deg)"
        borderBL: {
            content: "''",
            position: "absolute",
            height: 32,
            width: 32,
            bottom: 16,
            left: 16,
            backgroundColor: "transparent",
            borderTop: "4px solid",
            borderColor: "red",
            transform: "rotate(45deg)"
        ...(remaining code remains the same)

    return (
           <Box sx={styles.mainSurface}>
               <Box sx={styles.bordersContainer}>
                   <Box sx={styles.borderTL}></Box>
                   <Box sx={styles.borderTR}></Box>
                   <Box sx={styles.borderBL}></Box>
                   <Box sx={styles.borderBR}></Box>
                   <Box sx={styles.borderLeft}></Box>
                   <Box sx={styles.borderRight}></Box>
                   <Box sx={styles.borderTop}></Box>
                   <Box sx={styles.borderBottom}></Box>
                   <Box sx={styles.contentBox}>

This approach results in a clean and responsive design, as illustrated here:

I am grateful for all attempted assistance! Hopefully, this solution proves helpful to others in the future.

I plan to further optimize and share this code at a later time...

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