What steps should be taken to acquire the most recent CSS files for a theme?

We are facing an issue with implementing a versioning system for our CSS files. Currently, we append a build number to the CSS link programmatically (e.g. \themes\ssss\abc.css?1011) so that clients always receive the latest CSS files with each new build.

The challenge arises with themes. Specifically, when using a theme folder named MyTheme under App_Themes, we need to ensure that the CSS files associated with this theme are also updated to reflect the latest build. How can we achieve this?

Answer №1

Have you considered implementing a new theme directory for every build or deployment?

For example, something like \themes\ssss-1011\abc.css.

Answer №2

Enhance your CSS by incorporating additional hash in the URL ("#somethingnew"). Utilizing tools like SquishIt can assist in minifying your CSS and JavaScript files effectively.

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