The background color appears to be fixed in place even after attempting to switch it to

I've been using a plugin for my camera functionality and I need to set the background color to transparent in order to display it properly. However, when I close the camera preview, the background remains transparent which is causing an issue. Is there a way to make the background transparent only when using the camera plugin? I have attached some screenshots for reference: The background is white in this image, which is correct. The background is transparent in this image, also correct. However, the background remains transparent in this image after closing the camera, which is incorrect. I am not using any other CSS in the app, so I'm looking for a way to change the background-color only on the camera screen. Thank you

Answer №1

Why not utilize the transparent part within the page-camera layout?

page-camera {
  html, body, ion-app, ion-content, ion-page, .nav-decor{
      background-color: transparent !important;

This way, it will only impact that specific page. Alternatively, you can specify background-color:initial in your home.component (if applicable).

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