The images on my website are not displaying properly on different devices

My attempt at creating a website for fun and testing purposes is facing issues when viewed on mobile devices. The images and specially positioned elements are not displaying correctly, extending beyond the page boundaries. I have tried adding the viewport meta tag, but unfortunately, the display is still unsatisfactory.

As a beginner coder, I ask for your understanding of any mistakes I may have made :)

You can view the website here:

 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Answer №1

Within the css stylesheet of your choice:

img {
width: 100%

Answer №2

The reason for your elements not appearing centered is due to the use of left: 500px;. This creates a fixed distance from the left side, which may not translate to being centered on all screen sizes. For instance, on a device with a screen width of 320px (such as a mobile phone), your 'centered' elements will still start 500px from the left side, potentially extending beyond the visible area.

To achieve dynamic design, consider utilizing flexbox.

Here are some specific steps for improving your website:

  1. Remove any instances of left: 500px; on 'centered' elements.
  2. Add display: flex; and flex-direction: column; to your body element.
  3. Utilize align-self: center; for horizontally centering specific items.

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