Switch the Header Image on a Page in WordPress

I am currently using the Sunrise Theme from s5themes.com and I have a question regarding the header image on individual pages. It seems that all pages are displaying the same header image as the homepage, which is not what I want.

Attached below is a screenshot of the homepage displaying the header image:

And here is another screenshot of a different page (About Us) showing the same header image but appears zoomed-in:

After inspecting the code, I found that the Styles.css file is responsible for handling the header image:


.header-wrapper {
background: #333;
background-image: url(img/wood-only.png);
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;
min-height: 200px;

I attempted to modify the code above by changing the background-size property to 'auto', however, it also impacted the homepage's header image. Since I'm not familiar with WordPress structure, I'm unsure about how to proceed.

Answer №1

In WordPress, the default header file is called "header.php". To customize it, you'll need FTP access to copy the header.php file, rename it as header2.php, make your desired changes, and save. Next, duplicate your main page template, replace the include statement with the new header file, and save it as a new file like main2.php. Remember to update the name in the comment section at the top to ensure WordPress recognizes this as a unique template. Finally, upload your updated files to your theme directory and assign the new page template to any pages that should use the modified header.

Taking a leisurely stroll through the park.

Answer №2

By leveraging the JetPack plugin, I was able to solve this issue without resorting to creating new templates.

I utilized its Custom CSS feature to make the necessary adjustments.

Below is the CSS code snippet that I implemented:

body.page .header-wrapper {
    background: #333;
    background-image: url(http://new-image-url/image.jpg);
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-size: auto !important;
    min-height: 200px;

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