swap the positions of two distinct texts

I need to dynamically change the positions of two texts based on the text direction (LTR or RTL) using CSS specifically for an email template.

Here is the code snippet I am working with:

'<span style="font-weight:bold; text-align: center;">US Cop</span> ' + curIfr.Name

The text in curIfr.Name can be either in a RTL or LTR language, and I want to display it on the right side if it's RTL and on the left side if it's LTR.

Since the texts are centered within a card, I want to maintain this central alignment while switching their positions.

I attempted to use:

'<p style="float:right;"><span style="font-weight:bold; text-align: center;">US Cop</span></p>' + curIfr.Name

However, this caused the text to move to the far right rather than staying centered.

I also experimented with the direction attribute but found it to be ineffective in achieving the desired result.

Thank you in advance for any assistance!

Answer №1

CSS has a property called direction that determines the flow of content within block-level elements. You can set it to either rtl or ltr

In addition, there is an HTML element known as <bdo> which allows you to specify the direction like this:

<bdo dir="rtl">Some text</bdo>

These directions can easily be manipulated using JavaScript based on user input. For instance, you can change the value of the direction property in a span, or adjust the dir attribute in a <bdo> element.



<div style="direction: rtl;">
  <div>Name 1</div>
  <div>Name 2€(/div>

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