The flash movie covers part of the menu that is relatively positioned

While designing a website, I encountered an issue with the Flash slider (CU3ER) overlapping the menu bar. Despite trying various z-index configurations to ensure the drop-down menu stays on top, none of them seem to work.

Initially, the drop-down menu remains visible as the Flash movie loads. However, once the loading process is complete, it ends up getting hidden behind the slider.

Desired Look:

Current Look:

Answer №1

To ensure proper functionality, consider adding the "wmode" parameter with a value of "opaque" to your Flash video.

params: {
    wmode: 'opaque',
    bgcolor : '#ffffff'


Answer №2

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can resolve the issue at hand. Visit for more details. One crucial point to note is:

.class{display:flex; justify-content:center;}

Answer №3

Hello, have you applied the position:absolute; CSS property to both elements? This is necessary in order to utilize the z-index property effectively!

Answer №4

Place this code snippet below the object tag.

<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

I found this helpful resource at It really does the job!

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